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#WHYIWALK - Shane’s story

My name is Shane, and I am the chair of Defeat Depression London. This’ll be my third year with this awesome community.

I’ve found it a blessing that Defeat Depression’s Walk and Talk occurs in May because while spring is my favourite season, it’s also been the host of some of my biggest triggers. A lot of things have gone down around that time of year that used to trigger me into a huge post-winter downward spiral.

There are still triggering times, but because of the walk, I’ve learned to take the months leading up to it to work on myself - physically and mentally.

I treat myself and seek counselling if I find that my head needs some fine-tuning. I walk rather than take transportation. I opened up my home gym for the spring. I eat healthier.

Since my first walk was in the midst of a lockdown, this will be my first in-person walk with Defeat Depression. I’m excited about it, it’s going to be different. The years prior, I took to the street in the early morning - around 8ish - plopped my headphones on and pressed play on a playlist that I made just for the morning. Songs mean something to me and to those that I have lost due to mental illness.

I spend my time on my journey to reevaluate, reminisce, accept and truly listen to what’s happening in my heart and head. Just like the spring breeze, and the early birds chirping, it’s the most refreshing feeling in the world.

There’s so much more to this and why that'll be my third year taking part in the Defeat Depression Walk and Talk but this is it, in a nutshell.

I walk for those battling, for friends I’ve lost and for my mind and body and soul.

If you’re interested in volunteering or getting involved, please shoot me an email and I’ll personally help you out. You can email me directly.

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