Join the 9th Annual Canal Pursuit for Mental Health: A Relay Run for a Cause
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Join the 9th Annual Canal Pursuit for Mental Health: A Relay Run for a Cause

The Mood Disorders Society of Canada (MDSC) is thrilled to announce the 9th Annual Canal Pursuit for Mental Health Relay Run. This year, we're inviting everyone to support this vital cause through donations and sponsorship.

The Canal Pursuit is a 700 km relay run that follows the Trent Severn Canal from Port Severn to Trenton and then the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa. The route includes stops at each of the 88 locks along the way. Relay runners will run 10 km segments in pairs, covering an average of 80 km per day. This format provides an opportunity for conversations about mental health and illness, keeping the dialogue ongoing and open.

We're dedicating the run to our military and first responders this year. We'll be highlighting Canadian Forces bases in Borden, Trenton, and Kingston, as well as paramedic services, fire services, RCMP, OPP, and Ottawa Police Services.

The Canal Pursuit was initiated by Clay Williams, a steadfast advocate for mental health. Clay has a personal connection to the cause, with several of his family members having experienced mood disorders. The Relay Run aims to raise funds and awareness for depression, end the stigma of mental illness, and encourage people to reach out for help. We all have an important role to play in removing the stigma around mental illness so that people can feel comfortable reaching out to seek treatment.

From August 19 to August 26, a team of relay runners will be running 700 km along the Trent Severn and Rideau Canals, running by 88 locks, and ending on Parliament Hill. Now in its ninth year, Canal Pursuit is open to relay runners to run one or more 10 km segments.

Donations are greatly appreciated – large and small – all count! There are two ways people can donate:

1. Online at the Defeat Depression Canal Pursuit website: Donate Here

2. Mail a cheque payable to "Mood Disorders Society of Canada" to: 46 Hope Crescent, Belleville, Ontario K8P 4S2. Be sure to note: Canal Pursuit in the memo section of your cheque.

Stay updated about the Defeat Depression Canal Pursuit for Mental Health on our Canal Pursuit Facebook page, Instagram @canalpursuit, and Twitter @canalpursuit. Daily communications during the run are also part of this campaign.

Together, let's defeat depression and end the stigma around mental illness!

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